My suitcase: Ensiferum interview

Back in 2010 I did an interview with Finnish metallers Ensiferum.  I was at that point a huge fan of their music and got to have  some interaction with Sami Hinkka, bass player of the band.

The original article can be found here.

  • Who are Ensiferum and what does Ensiferum mean (not just literally)?

Ensiferum is a bunch of people who love to write good music and play their music live. And its the biggest thing in our lives; its our passion, hobby, work and in a way. Its also a family for us.

Source: Press photo/Roar E-zine
Source: Press photo/Roar E-zine

•What is the biggest inspiration for Ensiferums Music (influences, inspiration)?

Roots of Ensiferums music are in folk music (Scandinavian, Irish etc.) and melodic death metal. When Markus found Ensiferum 1995 he was very inspired by folk music and old Amorphis, Dark Tranquillity etc.

•Ensiferum has been rather succesfull and on the forefront of the pagan and folk metal success of recent years. What makes Ensiferum different/unique to any other band?

Our music and ass kicking gigs. Ensiferum is one of the oldest bands in this genre and we really focus when we write music and not just repeat what others have already done. We challenge ourselves to give our very best on every album and every gig.

•In what way do you think the band has grown from debut album Ensiferum until recent release Far Afar?

Obviously lineup changes have changed the atmosphere inside the band but in a good way. Our spirit is very high and Markus is the founder of the band and he has been the main songwriter so musically things havent changed so much as you might first think.

•Can you describe the process of writing a new album to us, for example the latest Far Away?

Like I said earlier, we really put our minds to it when we compose so the process is usually very long. We all bring ideas to rehearsal room and then we arrange songs together.

•How serious are you about the themes and imagery of Ensiferum?

With therecent increase of popularity of folk and pirate themed metal, do you thinkpeople get into it for the wrong reasons?

It depends. Of course we are very serious about making music but we can also laugh to ourselves and being serious doesn’t mean that you cant have any blink in the corner of your eye. I dont really care about whats going on inside the genre, eventually there will be too many copycats and overall too many bands and folk metal will suffer the same fate as trash, death and black metal. But Ensiferum is one of the oldest bands so we have nothing to prove, we love making this kind of music and we will continue making it even after the hype is gone.

•How do you feel of the stigma of being fascist, nationalist or racist that many folk or folk themed bands have been struggling with, such as Moonsorrow or Skyforger? Has Ensiferum had issues with it?

We havent had too much problems with that and thats good because we have no political or religious points in our music. But I have to say that I think it sucks ass that some people label other people as neo-nazis, facists etc. without any reason. Because that stigma might hunt you long time even you dont have anything to do with that kind of ideologies.

•What kind of booze does Ensiferum have on their rider and do you drink it from horns backstage as well?

Hehe, we use pints. Vodka and beer, thats it.

•What is your favorite touring destination?

Impossible to say, there are some many great cities on every continent.

•You played with quite some cool bands, so which were the favorite ones?

All the bands that we have toured and shared tourbus have been great people. But Tyr and Moonsorrow guys are one of the best people I know and I would tour with them anytme again!

•Ensiferum is playing Fortarock this year, any bands you are going to watch live there yourselves?

As much as possible. I love summer festivals!

•How do you feel about the dutch audience?

Its always been great!

•Last question, you’ve made some awesome video’s that suited the vibe of

Ensiferum perfectly. Would you be up for making a movie soundtrack if it could be like your video’s?

It would be nice challenge to write music to a movie, who knows maybe someday…

Thank you for your time. I hope these questions were interesting so you enjoyed this.

With kind regards,

Guido Segers

Thanks Guido and take care! 🙂

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